If you’re ready to change your life and make the leap into good health,
let me be your partner in wellness!

Welcome to Harmonious Life
First Step to Living a More Harmonious Life
Look Younger
Be Healthier
Stress Less
Feel Better

As an ex-lover of creme-filled donuts…who is now in a long-standing relationship with dark raw organic chocolate, I know the struggle is real.
My mission is to help you attain “PERFECT HEALTH” where you are NOT JUST FREE FROM DISEASE BUT THRIVE EMOTIONALLY…
I serve men, women, and children using Functional Medicine to help understand the root cause of health concerns, find a safe and effective natural solution and create a unique tailor made wellness plan designed for your individual needs.
I learn relentlessly every day to be able to provide for my patients ONLY THE BEST medical & wellness care possible.
Have you learned yet that perfection is overrated?
This is a hard thing for Type-A personalities to get. We’re taught…if we just aim high enough…if we just work hard enough…if we just sacrifice enough…we’ll get to where we want to be…successful, happy, fulfilled. But in my experience, I’ve learned that even if we achieve what we want on the outside, we often suffer deeply on the inside. And not just emotionally, but physically…we find ourselves exhausted, dejected, our weight creeping steadily upwards and start experiencing various health concerns more frequently.

Nutritional Therapy

Intravenous Therapy
Get back on track within hours by getting vitamins, minerals, amino & antioxidants administering directly into the bloodstream.

Hormone Therapy

Nutraceuticals Therapy
Use high-quality research-based and clinically tested nutraceuticals and supplements to prevent and improve various health conditions.

Lifestyle Medicine

Wellness Coaching